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Management Systems

Management Systems

ISO 27001 information security management systems policy

Logo takes all the necessary measures according to the Information security management system policy and has activities to ensure business continuity at all sites; minimizes losses and risks arising from security breaches; enables internal integrity; and protects all physical and electronic information assets.

Logo protects the information created, processed and stored in the technology infrastructure, as well as the systems in which such information is created, processed and stored against certain risks in the most appropriate way.

Any company and customer data, as well as the applications and systems in which this data is created, processed and stored, are used and protected following these principles.

Logo organizes the trainings required to increase the awareness of its employees on information security and the protection of information assets as part of the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.

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ISO 9001 quality management system policy

The general policy of Logo is to develop products and services that create added value for the financial management and productivity of its customers by fully understanding their requirements and expectations and to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.

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ISO 22301 international business continuity management system policy

Logo's business continuity policy continues to meet the expectations and needs of customers even under the most adverse conditions. For this purpose, Logo aims to carry out its operations by placing the utmost value on the security of its products and services and the well-being of its employees and stakeholders. Therefore, it adheres to a business continuity plan to provide uninterrupted, high-quality services to customers; win over new customers; ensure the well-being of its customers, solution partners and employees; and protect the interests of its shareholders/partners. The company’s goal here is to ensure that the necessary/critical operations become functional at a level acceptable to the customers as soon as possible.

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ISO 10002 customer satisfaction management system policy

The goal of this policy is to transform the requests and notifications received from our customers into customer satisfaction by evaluating them in line with legislative requirements and to continuously improve this process by measuring its effectiveness. As Logo, we are committed to addressing any negative feedback received from our customers in a customer-oriented manner per our Customer Satisfaction Principles.

Our customer satisfaction principles

To be open to our customer's demands and negative feedback;

To address all requests and negative feedback in a transparent, quick and reassuring manner;

To review the negative feedback received from our customers carefully, fairly and impartially regardless of their subject and level of importance; to provide a solution and/or solution alternatives as a result of the review;

To establish communication channels with all of the concerned parties and to enable information flow and traceability;

To ensure that the problems of our customers are solved quickly and adequately by placing importance on trainings for our business partners;

To provide customer-oriented solutions by working on the measurement of satisfaction for our products and services and finding out the expectations and recommendations of our customers;

To identify the opportunities for improvement in products, services, systems and processes based on the requests and suggestions of our customers and employees; and to perform the necessary related work;

To ensure the continuity of improvement by identifying the areas with room for improvement and regularly reviewing processes to increase efficiency so that any cases of dissatisfaction are not re-experienced;

To protect information about our customers per our information security policy;

To ensure that the decisions taken concerning customer requests and the relevant process are openly traceable and to identify our activities for improvement;

To create channels to ensure that our customers deliver their requests and feedback and that they are quickly responded to.

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TS 13149 software industry service site qualification certificate

Logo meets the structural features set for workplaces serving in the software industry and complies with the general rules regarding management, technical equipment and employees in accordance with TS 13149.

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ISO 14001 environmental management system policy

Complying with all laws and regulations, reducing our environmental impact and continuously increasing our performance, and leaving a clean livable environment for the next generations to ensure that any environmental effects due to our activities are minimized, and the protection of the environment is promoted.

Logo acts in line with the following principles to ensure the sustainability of its environmental management system’s success:

produce projects that respect people and the environment;

continue our activities in line with all legal legislations and other obligations in force about the environment and develop applications that go beyond legal regulations;

assess any environmental risks and impacts due to our activities from a risk-based and sustainable point of view, develop programs to reduce the effects of such threats or eliminate them altogether;

minimize our environmental waste and the amount of resources we spend;

perform all the requirements of the environmental management system and ensure their continuous improvement;

prevent any waste due to our office activities at source and promote their recycling as far as possible;

reduce energy consumption and density and greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency by paying attention to raising awareness about and developing means for combatting climate change;

use all natural resources, including in particular water sources;

use technologies that harm the environment to the minimum to help protect natural resources to the extent possible within the scope of technical and economical means;

reduce the use of natural resources, prevent pollution and increase energy efficiency;

recycle harmful waste that occurs during activities such as paper, plastic, etc. and prepare and implement a recycling action plan;

minimize the use of natural resources through continuous improvement efforts and increase sensitivity towards the environment;

reduce our impact on the environment by continuously increasing our environmental performance and considering environmental impacts in our projects to constantly improve our performance;

manage air emissions within legal requirements;

discharge our wastewater under legal frameworks and improve water quality in line with international standards;

develop an emergency response plan to reduce and mitigate environmental, health and safety impacts that accidents may cause;

crate a corporate culture and awareness about the environment in cooperation with our employees, customers and shareholders;

raise awareness among our employees and shareholders about the environment;

encourage the entire business ecosystem, including all our employees and business partners, to carry out their activities with the environment in mind;

consider their environmental performance when selecting suppliers;

set short- and long-term measurable goals for environmental performance, and improve the performance as per these goals;

take all stakeholders’ support and help to achieve our goals.

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ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management systems policy

Our main policy is to ensure that all our employees have the necessary consciousness and culture about occupational health and safety and that the required measures are taken to prevent any work accidents and occupational diseases.

Logo acts in line with the following principles to ensure the sustainability of its occupational health and safety management system’s success:

comply with all legal legislations and other obligations in our activities when it comes to occupational health and safety;

provide training for our employees and make them more conscious to ensure their health and safety;

make available the tools and personal protective equipment for all our employees or sub-contractors to use when necessary;

ensure that all our employees, suppliers, visitors and shareholders that we interact with abide by the Occupational Health and Safety rules that we provided;

detect elements that may cause work accidents and occupational diseases and identify and analyze risks;

identify beforehand and eliminate any factors that may cause work accidents and occupational diseases at the office;

reduce emergency risks that may occur within the scope of occupational health and safety rules, create health, safety and environmental integrity.

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ISO 20000-1 Information Technologies Service Management System Policy

The ISO 20000-1 Information Technologies Service Management System Policy aims to ensure that services promised to internal and external customers are safe, secure, continuous, sustainable, and manageable. It includes workflows and management of all activities and processes performed at all offices or remotely to serve the intended purpose.

Logo Service Management System helps manage all processes and their connections with each other to ensure that all service content is designed, developed, changed, tested, provided, and supported to meet the terms of agreements concluded with customers.

In line with the services we provide and the purposes we serve, to provide in full the services for which we make a commitment to our customers, to continuously review and improve our services and the effectiveness of the Service Management System.

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ISO 15504 Level 5 SPICE Organizational Maturity Certificate

It is the certificate related to software process assessment and organizational maturity. The SPICE model aims to ensure a common main principle for different software process assessment models and methods. This ensures that the results of assessments are reported in a familiar context. The reference model describes the main goals for adequate software engineering and applies to all software companies that wish to obtain, provide, develop, operate, mature software programs and create a supporting efficiency. The model does not take any specific organizational structure, management philosophy, software lifecycle model, software technology or development methodology as a basis. The architecture of this reference model regulates the processes to help software personnel understand and use such methods to continuously improve software process management.

The ISO 15504 Spice Organizational Maturity Certificate is based on a model that stipulates the handling and assessment of the related processes in a two-dimensional manner, namely “process” and “talent”. The process dimension identifies the aim, scope, inputs and outputs, while the talent dimension ensures the identification of the process qualifications. Process qualifications are rated from Level 0 to Level 5.

Level 0 Incomplete

Level 1 Realized

Level 2 Managed

Level 3 Applied

Level 4 Predictable

Level 5 Improved

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