1. www.elogo.com.tr: A website where corporate data regarding LOGO YAZILIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. (“LOGO”) is published (“Website”). Please read the following terms. Your visit to the Website is subject to the following written terms agreed upon by and between you and LOGO.
2. General Terms of Use: You gain the right to access, use and receive this website and other related websites and commercial communication, commercial electronic messages, specific interfaces and functions provided on or via this website when you start to use this website.
i. Your access to and the use of this website shall mean that you have read and accepted the policy and terms of use. No “acceptance declaration” made or created under any form shall be required.
ii. If you are required to become a member or make an explicit acceptance declaration, you shall be considered to have accepted the written terms of use hereunder by selecting the “acceptance and approval” steps.
iii. If you believe that you cannot satisfy the requirements or the terms of approval/consent under the terms of use, you should not use this website. Moreover, if you are not of the mandatory age for the validity of your acceptance declaration or if you have any restrictions, you should not use this website since your acceptance declaration will not be legally valid.
3. Monitoring/Amendment of Terms of Use: LOGO continuously renews and updates the website to provide the best possible service to users (a general definition including every individual visiting the website, including membership, if any).
The information and contents available on the website may change depending on innovations and developments.
LOGO reserves the right to amend or introduce new/additional terms to the terms of use at any time without any advance notification. The amendments shall be announced on the website to ensure the announcement of necessary terms of use. The use of the website after such a change shall be considered as the acceptance of such amendments
4. Use of Contents and Services:
i. LOGO, brand, promotion material, data file, written text, information, news, opinions, recommendations, advertisements, announcements, voice, music, video, photograph, image, software, and similar content (“Website Content”) available on the Website may be directly published by LOGO and other resources.
ii. LOGO does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of and does not accept any legal responsibility regarding the information, communication, or commercial electronic messages transferred from other or linked websites or the other websites for which links and information are provided.
iii. The information available on the website and quotations regarding third parties serve as promotional purposes. LOGO and/or the owner of such contents are entitled to amend such contents and terms of service without any notification in advance.
iv. Legal age-restrictions may be applied for use of the website. The users have to comply with these restrictions.
v. Users are not entitled to sell products or services, public commercial advertisements or take similar actions to trade by using the pages or the contents of the website unless otherwise required by LOGO.
vi. LOGO is entitled to determine the website and the website contents as they wish and may present the website with advertisements and promotions. Such advertisements and promotions are not required to be directly related to the website. LOGO may change the applications and tariffs regarding LOGO advertisements in any way and at any time LOGO desires.
vii. It is considered that the users who benefit from the site's content accept the risk related to the content to be obtained through it.
5. Responsibility Arising From the Use of the Website and Contents:
By accepting the terms of use, you accept responsibility for all actions you will take and all the transactions to be performed by you. The user shall be entitled to take or refrain from taking any action based on the Contents of the website or any communication made via the website regardless of its resource. The user shall be responsible for the legal results of the resolution in this respect. LOGO shall not undertake any responsibility in this respect.
LOGO may not be held responsible for any tangible, intangible, legal and financial results or any indirect loss such as loss of profit arising from any use, including the inaccurate and illegal use of the contents and services on the website.
No information, comments and recommendations on the Website or indirect resources, if any, are considered investment consultancy. LOGO does not guarantee the accuracy and adequacy of any opinion, information, evaluation, comment and statistical forms and values available on the resources accessible via the website. LOGO shall not be held liable for any errors and deficiencies in the resources accessible on the website, any defect, delay, fault, mistake or cessation of data broadcast, or direct and/or indirect losses that may be incurred due to the use of the accessed data, loss of profit, financial losses and losses incurred by third parties. LOGO may cease, cancel, change and/or delete such data without prior notification.
If contact is available among users on the Website, the Users are solely responsible for such communication. LOGO does not provide any promise or assume any responsibility towards persons that are party to the communication/connection/data traffic about data safety and malicious acts.
6. No Guarantee:
This Website is made available for users “as is” and does not include any written or verbal special or general guarantee to the most significant extent permitted by the laws.
LOGO shall not guarantee that the functions and contents on this Website are safe and error-free, that any fault shall be remediated, or that the servers used to make this Website and/or sub and upper-websites/links of third parties do not include any virus or malware.
LOGO does not make any explicit or implicit undertaking regarding that the Website and the contents provided shall satisfy all expectations, goals and special needs and be of uninterrupted and adequate quality. LOGO does not assume any responsibility towards members or Users for resulting damages, consequential damages or indirect losses such as loss of profits due to the Website or its content. LOGO reserves the right to end or shut down the Website, partially or fully change, disable or charge for any content, visual design and similar elements on the Website without informing in advance.
7. Sub- and Upper-Links: This website may include sub- and upper-websites not owned by LOGO and whose operation LOGO does not have any control and which are operated by 3rd parties and may provide connection to/link to/information about such websites. LOGO does not provide any guarantee or take any special undertaking regarding these websites, their contents, security, confidentiality policies or have continuous communication with them. LOGO shall not be held responsible for the personal data provided, the contents and services used, and the confidentiality policies and practices of those websites.
8. Membership
I. LOGO may require membership/sign up for the use of certain sections, organize different membership categories or change existing categories. ID and contact details may be requested during sign-up.
II. If a membership system is created, a name and a password shall be provided to or created by the Member.
III. The Member shall be responsible for any (i) ID details and (ii) contact details entered during sign up, embedded into or shared with the website and contents or sent via this website. The ID and communication details given at sign-up shall be considered up-to-date, accurate and reliable. The Member shall be responsible for keeping user names and passwords.
IV. LOGO shall not accept any responsibility regarding incorrect, illegal or unauthorized use of user names and passwords. In case of an unauthorized use, the member who causes loss or damage to LOGO or 3rd parties shall be responsible for such loss or damage.
V. The member shall be responsible for any transaction via the relevant member account.
VI. Members agree and guarantee that any information shared with the website or sent via the website is reliable, accurate and not misleading, does not violate the rights of 3rd parties, is not illegal, is provided in good faith, and members have the right to post or share such information. If LOGO receives any application/request/complaint that any content put on/forwarded to the Website by the Users damages other Users or third parties or if such content is detected to be contrary to the legislation, or international legal documents, it may end the membership of the relevant User. But it does not have any obligations in this regard.
VII. Members shall be obligated to take necessary precautions and inform LOGO as soon as they learn that the user names and passwords are used without permission or have been attempted to be obtained.
VIII. Commercial Communication: Users accept and declare that LOGO may send them electronic messages or commercial electronic messages and that it may communicate via any electronic communication means whether it is for commerce or not if they give their consent when consent/approval is mandatory for sending electronic messages and, in other cases, without seeking for consent/approval. In cases where the User’s consent/approval is necessary for sending commercial electronic messages, the User acknowledges that such consent/approval is not a pre-requisite and/or requirement for them to use the Website and/or benefit from the services. The User shall always be entitled to cancel any permission/approval given at any time and reject any commercial electronic messages. However, in such cases, electronic messages for information, collection and approval related to the services that the User paid for and/or received will continue to be sent. Rejection paths are shown in electronic messages whose sender is LOGO.
9. Collection of Visitor Information: The website automatically starts collecting information for the web servers to ensure that the website communicates with the visitor's computer when the website is visited. Moreover, the number of visits to the website, the sections preferred by the visitors, their IP addresses, domain types, browser type, date and time, and the website navigation are monitored, audited and stored. The use of the website shall be considered as the user’s giving consent to the LOGO for the collection, processing and keeping of such information.
10. No Intervention: It is prohibited to violate, or attempt to violate the website. Criminal action may be taken, and a public lawsuit may be filed against the individuals who attempt any and such violations. LOGO shall inquire into any violation claim and apply to/establish cooperation with the related legal institutions in case of an illegal infringement. If it is detected that any act hereunder has been taken, the access of the related individuals and users shall be terminated, and their memberships shall be cancelled if they are members. The violating party or parties shall have financial, legal and penal responsibility against the party whose rights are violated and/or LOGO pursuant to the applicable law.
11. Violation of Terms of Use: In case of failure to comply with the “Terms of Use of Website” or any attempt to violate the rules, LOGO reserves the right (but is not obliged to) to reject the existing information of the system, exclude the same from the contents and delete the same and to suspend or terminate the access of the users to the website and services and to cancel their memberships without any notification made in advance regardless of whether the violation has been achieved or not. This rule shall apply for any indirect or attempted violation of the Terms by a third party acting on behalf of the User. The failure of LOGO to exercise or implement any right or precaution hereunder shall not mean the waiver or termination of its rights.
12. Website Policies:
i. Criminal Acts: Users shall be obliged not to commit any act; i) which is considered a crime under the international and local legislation; ii) which violates the related bylaws and directives of the European Union.
ii. Prohibited Acts: Users agree and undertake not to run and use any software that sends many messages to the website server, beyond the capacity of a human sending, during a certain period of time.
13. Termination: Users may terminate the use and membership of the Website at any time without any restriction and notification unless regulated under a separate agreement or the website contents. The steps of membership termination on the website must be followed if required by the website. LOGO may cancel membership, prevent or terminate the use of the website; (i) if the user violates the terms and policies hereunder or set by LOGO; (ii) if the user does not have any right of use due to legal restrictions; (iii) pursuant to the applicable legislation or resolutions of administrative and regulatory institutions; (iv) if it is not possible to access the website due to legislation or force majeure; (v) if the publication of the website is suspended, ceased or terminated at the discretion of LOGO or in similar cases.
14. Records: Computer records, including books and communication logs of LOGO and e-mail and fax notifications made by LOGO to the users, shall be final and exclusive evidence for any conflict that may arise from using the website.
15. Language: In case of any inconsistency between the Turkey and foreign language versions of the “Terms of Use” and “Terms of Confidentiality and Security” of the Website, the Turkish version shall apply.
16. Notification Agreement: LOGO agrees that any e-mail or fax notification made to the contact details of the users on the website shall generate the same legal results as valid notifications.
17. Applicable Law: The Laws of the Republic of Turkey shall apply to any conflict that may arise from the use of the website
18. Authorized Court and Execution Offices: İstanbul (Central) Courts and Execution Offices shall have jurisdiction over the resolution of any dispute that may arise regarding the terms of the website and use
19. Information and Contact: You can send an e-mail to destek@elogo.com.tr for further details on the usage policies of the www.elogo.com.tr website.
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